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  • Emma Venables

Staying visible during uncertain times

Updated: May 4, 2021

Lately, we've all been looking at more ways we can move more of what we do online. As businesses, we are always searching for ways to continue serving our customers and stay visible to them, especially through these uncertain times.

We've never been so lucky at any other time in history when it comes to advertising our businesses. To have the internet and in particular, social media at our fingertips, bringing all those clients one step closer to us makes doing business so much easier. There are so many tools available that are so powerful, they can ensure that we instantly connect to just the right people for us. Our tribe...

So, I'm a graphic designer, but over the last 14 months I decided to get active on LinkedIn, showing up regularly, taking my local business and making it into an international one. It's helped to double my income.

If you're scrolling through your social media, knowing you should post something but unsure what to say, I can help. You know that consistency is key when it comes to staying visible and promoting your business but the constant nature of it all feels overwhelming.

I used to feel like this too until I realised I could utilise tonnes of content I already had without knowing it, and the best part? Realising that each one of those pieces of content could be turned into a whole series of different social media posts Once I started doing that it was SO EASY to plan out in advance what to post & when. It stopped being so stressful. Leads started to come in. Today, as a graphic designer, LinkedIn is one of my top sources of new clients, and I do this by continuing to post every day.

People in my networking groups kept asking me about the process I use to post and stay consistent, without worrying what on earth to say each day... so, over the course of this lockdown, I've put it all into an ebook to help teach other businesses to stay visible and get organised too! It works for any service based business and if you can deliver your services remotely there's no reason you can't pick up international clients like I have.

LinkedIn eBook designed by Emma Venables, Graphic Designer based in Weston-super-Mare and Bristol.
LinkedIn eBook designed by Emma Venables, Graphic Designer

It's an easy to read guide of my process, the types of content you could post to attract clients, thoughts on content you already have, but haven't capitalised on, and how to repurpose what you have. One content idea really can go a long way! To get a copy and get clear on your content, head over to and grab it for yourself! Feedback so far has been wonderful - as someone who is all about helping businesses to attract customers through their marketing materials, this is another logical step in the quest to stay visible!


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