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  • Emma Venables

I need it yesterday

I need it yesterday. Every designer's favourite phrase. Not! You know what it's like, you've suddenly realised you have a networking event in 2 days, and have run out of business cards.

Or you need an updated pull up banner for a specific time sensitive event.

Not only is this pretty stressful for you and all involved, it also potentially does your company a disservice, as it doesn't give you the time you need to consider properly what you want to say or the message you want to give, resulting in a rushed design, just to get it to the printers in time.

Why not make 2019 the year of the considered marketing plan so you can really make the most of each opportunity, event and meeting.

Once you know what you're going to need, and when, you can really put some thought into what you want to say and into making sure everything is on brand.

It'll be worth your time, I promise. You'll also have the added bonus of being able to de stress and know you've got it covered. Result!


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